Attorneys at Jaffe, Hanle, Whisonant & Knight, P.C. recently secured a dismissal for a client charged in a local municipal court with Criminal Trespass – 2nd Degree. The client does not reside in the state of Alabama, the skilled attorneys were able to proceed in the matter without the client needing to appear in-person.
Case Dismissed
J.S. was charged with Murder after shooting an unknown armed man that was threatening the life of his son at their worksite. Attorneys at Jaffe, Hanle, Whisonant & Knight, P.C. were immediately retained following the incident and were able to secure a dismissal of the charge after a Stand Your Ground Hearing, proving that our client was justified in his actions protecting his son and others from impending deadly force. Winning the Stand Your Ground Hearing prevented a trial and immunized J.S. from both civil and criminal liability.
A Jaffe, Hanle, Whisonant & Knight, P.C. attorney recently secured a dismissal for a client charged in a local municipal court with Possession of Marijuana 2nd.
Charges Dropped
A.C. was fired from her job at a hospital due to missing opiates. We worked with A.C. to challenge the evidence and presented evidence to the investigator who agreed not to file criminal charges.
Not Guilty
F.P.’s case was a classic case of self-defense. Unfortunately, the District Attorney’s office didn’t agree because only part of the altercation was on video. We took F.P.’s case to trial and the jury came back in less than 5 minutes with a verdict of not guilty.
Case Dismissed
L.A. was charged with a white-collar crime, Elder Financial Abuse, in which he was accused of misusing the funds of a woman who was in his care. We vigorously investigated the case and determined, through pre-trial discovery, that the State could not prove the case without a medical opinion of which they did not have. We showed the District Attorney’s office and they agree to dismiss all charges.
Case Dismissed
The State charged R.G. with two counts of Distribution of a Controlled Substance. In less than nine months, both cases were dismissed by the state due to lack of evidence and the charges were expunged from his record.
Case Dismissed
J.C. was charged with Attempted Murder and Animal Cruelty. The only evidence that the State of Alabama had with which to prosecute was the testimony of the alleged victim in the case. Attorney Knight represented J.C. and was prepared to move forward with a Preliminary Hearing to prove his innocence of the allegations. Before the hearing, Attorney Knight met with the State to discuss whether they had any additional evidence besides the eyewitness testimony against J.C., how this testimony alone was unreliable, and how there was also no legitimate evidence to believe this witness/victim would be willing to testify in the future. The State reluctantly agreed and admitted that without this testimony, they had no evidence against J.C. They also conceded that they also had no evidence to believe the witness would be available at trial. Prior to the commencement of the hearing, Mr. Knight moved for the charges to be dismissed over the State’s objection. The District Court quickly found in J.C.’s favor and dismissed the charges against him.
Case Dismissed
Domestic Violence charges against K.N. were dismissed in the City of Hoover after negotiations with the city attorney. The dismissal was agreed upon following the successful resolution of the parties’ divorce settlement in which K.N.’s wife agreed to dismiss all charges.
No Bill Charges
Two law enforcement officers were in an officer-involved shooting. A Jaffe, Hanle, Whisonant & Knight, P.C. attorney arrived at the police station following the incident and representation began immediately. The case was presented to the Grand Jury to determine whether the State should pursue murder charges against the officers. Our attorney's thorough preparation of the officers prior to them testifying before the Grand Jury led to the Grand Jury electing to No Bill charges for both clients.
Case Dismissed
Attorneys Richard Jaffe and Michael Hanle represent a client charged with Trafficking Marijuana in Jefferson County Circuit Court and were able to secure a dismissal in the case based on the argument and evidence presented before the court.
Charges Dropped
Client charged with multiple counts of Sodomy and Rape of Minors from over 35 years ago. All charges dismissed due to violation of defendant’s pre-indictment speedy trial claims.
Case Dismissed
W.R. had his DUI charge dismissed in the Shelby County District Court. The case was scheduled for trial but the D.A. agreed to a dismissal after extensive pre-trial discovery revealed significant flaws in the State’s case.
Charges Dropped
The State agreed not to pursue charges against M.N. stemming from allegations M.N. had inappropriate sexual contact with a minor. After significant pre-charge investigation disclosed the minor was lying about the allegations.
Investigation Closed
Mr. Jaffe and Mr. Hanle represented M.S. in a DHR investigation involving allegations of inappropriate sexual contact with a child under the age of 12. After Mr. Jaffe and Mr. Hanle presented investigative authorities the results of their independent investigation, the client received a “Not Indicated” letter from DHR meaning there was not sufficient evidence to move forward. The investigation has been closed.
Charges Dropped
Client charged with sexual assault of a minor who was sleeping over at his home. Charges dismissed.
Case Dismissed
Y.Z. was arrested and charged with two counts of Trafficking a Controlled Substance. After a thorough review of the evidence provided, an extensive pre-trial motion practice, and a request made to dismiss the charges, the State agreed and all charges against Y.Z. were dropped.
Elegible For Parole
The Kinder case is quite unique. It was my first DP trial in over 32 years. The jury returned death 10-2, but Judge Hard (in a very, very rare order) overrode it to life without parole. After the US Supreme Court in Miller held it unconstitutional to automatically sentence a juvenile to LWOP, I teamed up with Don Collee and we had a Miller Hearing in October of 2016. Judge Pulliam ordered Richard Kinder's sentence to be life with the possibility of parole. Because he has served over 30 years, he is now eligible for parole.